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iPhone 14 Pro support

What's new in the world of iPhone 14?

Apple has released the iPhone 14 Pro and iPhone 14 Pro Max which include a new screen display featuring a "Dynamic Island."

Important app update: The status bar

Your existing Median app will run on the iPhone 14 devices but your users will experience a dead space at the top of the app webview underneath the status bar area.

Two iPhones side by side, displaying the app before the latest update in light mode (left) and dark mode (right).
Median app running on iPhone 14 Pro without update

Built an iOS app with Median? Simply rebuild & republish

As usual, one of the benefits of building an app using Median is that we maintain your app code (and any native plugins) so you don't have to spend time doing so. Simply rebuild your app on our online platform and re-download your iOS source to publish an updated app that works perfectly on the new iPhone 14 Pro devices.

Two iPhones side by side, displaying the app after the latest update in light mode (left) and dark mode (right).
Updated Median app running on iPhone 14 Pro

You can also always engage our experienced publishing team to publish an update to the Apple App Store on your behalf. When using our publishing service an Apple computer with Xcode is not required and you'll be able to test your app using TestFlight before we submit the update.

Dark mode support

Finally, are you noticing that our demo app includes light and dark mode support? Median apps are fully compatible with dark mode. If the user's device is in dark mode the app webview CSS will have prefers-color-scheme: dark set and you can define light versus dark styles for your web content that will be applied accordingly. Learn more in our documentation.

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Want to know how it all works?

Get hands-on with Median’s comprehensive documentation, and build your app with ease.

View Documentation
*DISCLAIMER: This content is provided solely for informational purposes. It is not exhaustive and may not be relevant for your requirements. While we have obtained and compiled this information from sources we believe to be reliable, we cannot and do not guarantee its accuracy. This content is not to be considered professional advice and does not form a professional relationship of any kind between you and LLC or its affiliates. is the industry-leading end-to-end solution for developing, publishing, and maintaining native mobile apps for iOS and Android powered by web content. When considering any technology vendor we recommend that you conduct detailed research and “read the fine print” before using their services.*
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